Monte Cassino Battlefield Tour for Indians

 Battlefield Tour for Indians

Monte Cassino Battlefield Tour for Indians: HISTORICAL BACKGROUND

During the Second World War the Indian divisions in Italy player a predominante role in the many Battles fought, what is generally known in Military history as the Italian Campaign. Keeping a grand strategy in mind, they assisted the Allied invasione of France by keeping a large Number of German divisions engaged in Italy.the Indiana forces though limited to the strength of 4,8,and 10 Indian Division distinguished themselves for courage and tenacity in the battles in Italy.

The Pignataro Interamna memorial is dedicated to the Indian troops of the 6/13 Frontier Force Rifles and the 3/8 Punjab, part of the 8 Indian Division, with the support of the Calgary and Three Regiments Rivers of the 1st Canadian Division.

Monte Cassino Battlefield Tour for Indians

Almost 50.000 Indiana troops fought for the Liberation of Italy of which 5782 of their gallant soldiers made the supreme sacrifice. The heroic action and fighting of Indiana soldiers were fully recognised by the Allied Generale, if Lt. Gen. Mark Clark said “the Forth, Eight and Tenth Indiana Divisions Will Forever be associated with the fighting of Cassino, the capture of Rome, the Arno Valley, the Liberation Florence and the breaking of the Gothic Line. I salute the brave soldiers of these three great Indiana Divisions”

Monte Cassino Battlefield Tour for Indians

The 4th Indiana Division left the Right Army at the end of January 1944 and joined the Fifth Army. It was places under command of the New Zealand Corps and in particolar Brigadiere H.W. Dimoline. General Freyberg was sure that the Indians’ experiences of Mountain warfare. Could be very useful among the hills in Monte Cassino area. The 7th Indian Infantry Brigade concentrated in Monte Castello area, near Caira Village to relieve the Americans of the 36th Division. The poor Indians moved to the planned position at nightfall on the 13th.

Monte Cassino Battlefield Tour for Indians

The road was named after the Indian city in Uttarakhand, the headquarters of the Bengal Engineers Group. Roorkee was where 4 Inf Div were stationed before the war.Route Roorkee was the reserve route from Caira up to the top of Snakeshead in case Cavendish Road was closed.

Monte Cassino Battlefield Tour for Indians

Monte Cassino Battlefield Tour for Indians

Jason Askew”s painting showing the Gurkhas at Hangmans Hill on the slope of Monte Cassino.

Monte Cassino Battlefield Tour for Indians

Group of Indian Div. officers of the Frontier Force Rifles who worked with the Canadian Tank Brigade on the crossing of the Gari River, 27 May 1944. (Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 3198870) picture found here
Soldiers of the 4th Indian Division cook their Chupatti’s as their bread under rather muddy circumstances while waiting for the third Battle of Cassino to start on 15th March. (NARA)
Indian Soldiers

Monte Cassino Battlefield Tour for Indians: WHAT TO EXPECT

The “Monte Cassino Battlefield Tour for Indians“ (about 3 hours) includes:

1) pickup from your arrival at the railway station in Cassino every day at 10.00am or 02.00pm (Main Square, near the Green Kiosk)

2) about 3h30 guided tour of the Indian most meaningful sites of Cassino:

  • Montecassino Abbey
  • The Commonwealth War Cemetery

3) return to the railway station in Cassino at 01.30pm or 05.30pm

Monte Cassino Battlefield Tour for Indians: WHAT YOU MUST KNOW

TOUR DURATION: about 3 hours

DEPARTUR TIME: Daily at 10.00 am and 02.00pm

MEETING POINT: Cassino Railway Station (Main Square, near the Green Kiosk)


  • Professional WW2 Guidance
  • Transportation
  • Donation to the monastery

WHAT IS NOT INCLUDED: Lunch and dinner are not included



  • No advance payment
  • You can do the payment during the tour cash to your Guide
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