Monte Cassino Battlefield tours for Americans

Monte Cassino Battlefield tours for Americans
36th Division memorial along the Rapido River

Monte Cassino Battlefield tours for Americans: HISTORICAL BACKGROUND

In sommer 1940 war started again in Europe. Presidente Roosevelt mobilized as a precaution the National Guard for a year of training. War came to America when Japan attacked Pearl Harbour on Sunday December 7 1941. Some weeks after the attack the first American soldiers joined Europe ready to liberate it.

Monte Cassino Battlefield tours for Americans 5th army headquarter
5th Division Headquarter in Venafro old town

Monte Cassino Battlefield tours for Americans: the 36th Texas Division

The US Army’s 36th Division variously known as the Texas Division, or the T-Patchers, for the distinctive T insigna sewn on the upper arm of their uniform, had started its long adventure in Italy marching in a holiday parade in Rabat with the Marroccan Sultan’s Gard, and a long line of tanks and trucks. The commander of the 36th was General Fred Livingood Walker, and while he was marching in the same parade, he already knew that the 36th would be joining Mark Clark for the next Allied action against the Axis in Italy. In the same days Patton and the VII Army had invaded Sicily and Clark needed the T-Patchers for the following Italian Campain.

Liutenant General Mark Clarck is in charge in Italy

But who was Mark Clarck? General Mark Clarck was 47 years old and was condidered by many contemporary a vain, superficial and even ineffectual men. Churchill called him the American Eagle” for his aquiline nose, that Clarck wanted to be photographen only from one side. He was in West Point, but nobody remembered him, untill when his friendship with Eisenhower helped him to become the youngest liutenant General in US Army history. He understood at that point that the only way to become famous was to be successful in Italy and to join Rome. To do that Clark had only Three division scheduled to land in Salerno, and General Mongomery, a very experienced British General considered this plan a gamble.

Monte Cassino Battlefield tours for Americans peace bell
The Peace Bell next to the Rapido River

Monte Cassino Battlefield tours for Americans: the 34th Red Bull Division

At the end of 1943 the 34th was part of General Mark Clark’s 5th Army. The men landed at Salerno and advanced slowly thought mountains and rivers, with orribile weather, capturing many villages and towns. The 36Th Division lost about 200 men during the landing Fighting along the Italian peninsula was not Easy but slowly slowly the Germans were pushed back in the direction of the famous Gustav Line. The objectives along the Highway 6 were taken: first of all Monte Pantano, then the Village of San Vittore del Lazio, then the two Hills called Monte Chiaia and Monte Trocchio. (Read here to know something more about these actions)

Monte Cassino Battlefield tours for Americans american tank
American Tank

Monte Cassino Battlefield tours for Americans: the 36th Texas Division

When the 36th and the 34th Divisions arrived at Mount Trocchio, the men had in front of them the Liri Valley and Cassino, but the most impressive and dangerous point to be taken was monte Cassino Abbey on the top of the Hill. While the 36th Division was sent to cross the Rapido River and the Valley, the 34th Division had Aldo ti cross the River to join their goal: Monte Cassino Abbey. They tried to storno the ancient Abbey but the Germans defended It bravely, while the 36th Lost many men in crossing the Bloody River.

Monte Cassino Battlefield tours for Americans in front of the Gustav Line
In front of the Gustav Line

Breaking the Gustav Line

To break the Gustav line the Allied needed to sento to fight about 20 Division and they drive the Germans out only about 4 mounths later. Between the last few months of 1943 and the half of Febbruary 1944 the 34th Division Lost thousand of lives. Then the American army gave them some rest and in March the men were sent into actions to Anzio.

Monte Cassino Battlefield tours for Americans along the Rapido River
Along the Rapido River

Monte Cassino Battlefield tours for Americans: WHAT TO EXPECT

The “Monte Cassino Battlefields tours for Americans” (about 3 hours) includes:

1) pickup from your arrival at the railway station in Cassino every day at 10.00am or 02.00pm (Main Square, near the Green Kiosk)

2) about 3h30 guided tour of the American most meaningful sites of Cassino:

  • Monte Trocchio slopes
  • Rapido river banks and the Peace Bell
  • The war monument dedicated to the 36th Texas Division
  • The Commonwealth war cemetery
  • Caira village
  • the Rapido River and Rio Secco banks
  • The Barracks and the Caruso Road

3)return to the railway station in Cassino at 01.30pm or 05.30pm

Monte Cassino Battlefield tours for Americans Trocchio hill
Trocchio hill

Monte Cassino Battlefield tours for Americans: WHEN AND WHERE

TOUR DURATION: about 3 hours

DEPARTUR TIME: Daily at 10.00 am and 02.00pm

MEETING POINT: Cassino Railway Station (Main Square, near the Green Kiosk)


  • Professional WW2 Guidance
  • Transportation
  • Donation to the monastery

WHAT IS NOT INCLUDED: Lunch and dinner are not included



  • No advance payment
  • You can do the payment during the tour cash to your Guide


34th Division Battlefield Tour (the Red Bulls) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

36th Texas Division Battlefield Tour ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Monte Cassino Battlefield tour for Nisei ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Monte Cassino Battlefield tours for Americans

Monte Cassino Battlefield tours for Americans following the foorsteps of the 36th and 34th Divisions. Tour held by Anna Maria Priora, local guide and WWII Expert. Price per person

SKU del prodotto: Anericans1

Brand di prodotto: Monte Cassino War Tours

Valuta del prodotto: Eur

Prezzo del prodotto: 90

Prezzo valido fino a: 30-12-2030

Prodotto in magazzino: InStock

Valutazione dell'editor