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Soviet WWII memorials in Berlin: Soviet War Memorial in Schönholzer Heide
- Adress: GermanenstraĂe 17
- opening time: everyday 8-16
- S1 S-Bahn Schönholz +15 minutes walk

Self-guided tour of WWII Berlin: Soviet War Memorial in Tiergarten
- Adress: Str. des 17. Juni 4
- opening time: everyday 24h
- S+U Zoologischer Garden Bhf +12 minutes walk
At the entrance of the War Memorial on both sides are two Soviet T-34 thanks that were the First One that reached Berlin in 1945., And two Artillery guns used during the Battle. They marked also the victory over the Nazy wiith their salvoes. In the middle of the war cemetery a colonnades Is bearing the names of the soldiers dead during the Battle. On this strutture a long sentence written in Russia Sais: “Eternal glory to heroes who fell in battle with the German fascist invaders for the freedom and independence of the Soviet Union. 1941â1945”

Soviet WWII memorials in Berlin: Soviet War Memorial in Treptower Park
- Adress: Puschkinallee, Alt Treptower
- opening time: everyday 24h
- S41 Treptower Park + 11 minutes walk
Crossing the street you can visit a huge grasso area where the Soviet War Memorial was built at the end of the Second World War from 1946 to 1949. It Is the resting place of 7000 Soviet soldiers. To enter the cemetery the visitors must pass through a large triumphal arch. After a short way there is a 3-metre-high statue dedicated to Mother Russia, then 2 flags carved in red granite Stones, 5 lawns and 8 sarcophagi.
The War Memorial in Treptower Park
The gravestone of the Red army soldiers are under the plane-trees. In the very centre of this holy ace a mausoleum on a Hill and on the top of the building a statue rappresenting a Soviet soldiers carrying a child in one armi and resting the sword.
Soviet WWII memorials in Berlin: MAP
Soviet WWII memorials in Berlin: OTHER WWII SITES IN BERLIN
Berlin Cold War tour (self-guided tour)âââââ
Soviet WWII memorials in Berlin (self-guided tour)

Soviet WWII memorials in Berlin (self-guided tour)
SKU del prodotto: Soviet
Brand di prodotto: Monte Cassino War Tours
Valuta del prodotto: Eur
Prezzo valido fino a: 30-12-2040
Prodotto in magazzino: InStock