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New Indian War Memorial in Cassino
Today is a great day for Cassino we are going to remember the Indian Army too.After the first battle of Monte Cassino, the US forces, the British X Corps and the soldiers of the FEC had been repulsed by the Germans and General Mark Clark asked for help. Those who answered to his request were the soldiers of the Second New Zealand Division and the Indian Red Eagles of the 4 Division. Anso the second battle started disastrously because the Monastery of Monte Cassino was bombed without that the 4 Division was ready for the assault.
New Indian War Memorial in Cassino
They were still on Snakeshead Ridge, struggling with the Germans on the top of point 593, and even if they fought like lions, they could not get on that point and they were asked to retreat. After so many years, the Inhabitants of Cassino decided to remember the Indians fighting in Cassino during the Second World War. The first Memorial dedicated to the Indian Army and in particular to the 9th Gurkha Rifles, was placed on Hangman’s hill after the war. The plaque remembered the epic action of the first Battalion on Hangman’s hill between 15th and 25th March 1944.
New Indian War Memorial in Cassino
After so many years of oblivion, Cassino remembers in these days the Indian Army with a new War Memorial that has been inaugurate by General Manoj Mukund Naravane and his Wife on 8th July. During the third battle the Gurkhas were asked to attack Hangman’s hill, in the Monastery area, with no cover and no supplies. When the Germans counterattacked, the Indians were obliged to retreat. During the last battle of Monte Cassino the Clovers Division, as the 8th Division was known, were asked to cross the Gari River, and during this action Sepoy Kamal Ram of Punjab was awarded with the Victoria Cross for his Valour.
New Indian War Memorial in Cassino
During this action Sepoy Kamal Ram of Punjab was awarded with the Victoria Cross for his Valour.
This new plaque will be part of our Monte Cassino Battlefield tours from now on.